Friday, 28 November 2008

Two litres removed

My hubby was admitted at 7.30 am on Monday and by 9 am had, had one litre of fluid removed from his left lung. The Intern who did the surgery under the guidance of our Doctor, said the fluid came easily and recommended that if the x-ray was good, my hubby should stay in hospital and have another litre removed the next day.

The x-ray showed fluid around both lungs, but the left lung is still the worst. My hubby showed almost instant improvement with his breathing and general well being, so it was decided that he should stay the night.

The following morning at 7.30 am I was back at the hospital to support my hubby through his third fluid removal surgery. Again it went well and the x-ray showed a tiny improvement.

Later that morning we spoke with our Palliative Care nurse who talked about alternatives to having fluid removed. These included using talc to 'glue' the outside layer and lung layers together or having a tube inserted into the area between the lung and the outer area, that's left in place, so that fluid can be removed more easily.

He followed this discussion with a talk to our Doctor, who phoned the Oncology Department at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and discussed options with them.

We went home that afternoon and our Doctor said he'd phone within two days to let us know what QEH though of the options.

The following day our Doctor phoned to say QEH were prepared to admit my hubby on Monday (the day of his 50th birthday), to do a scan (something we'd planned to not have, due to my hubby being diagnosised as terminal), and then to do the talc or tube ... or something. We will have many visitors from NZ and Oz here, but my hubby was feeling so much better after having two litres removed in two days, that he had no issue deciding going into hospital was his best option.

So here's hoping that the scan will allow something to go ahead! Loads of positive thoughts please!

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